We Can Help You

As the IT landscape continues to rapidly evolve, businesses face increasingly complex challenges that go beyond simply managing technology. Adhering to national and European regulatory requirements while staying abreast of the latest industry developments can be a daunting task.

Moreover, embarking on ventures such as acquiring new tech start-ups or selling a business can present unique challenges and require specialized guidance.

At Chronos Consulting, our mission is to leverage our expertise and in-depth knowledge to assist you with navigating these challenges. Whether it's regulatory compliance or strategic business decisions, we are here to provide tailored solutions that align with your goals and drive success.


EU Public Affairs

Knowing the right people and having access to important information in the right time is the key. We are almost like home in Brussels and Strasbourg.

Government Relations

With a long history of relationship with European and Czech public institutions, we are ready to assist you with your regulatory or policy challanges.

Compliance and Regulatory

Thanks to our long time experience in IT enviroment, we can swiftly help you to comply with all existing and developing regulations, with no aditional burden for you.

GDPR compliance

With the help of our GDPR certified specialists, we can make sure that your projects and processes are by all means GDPR compliant.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Buying or selling? IT companies have their specifics on which it is important to focus on throughout any transaction. We will safely guide you through all of this.

Software Security Auditing

Our software engineers and consultants with experience from large IT companies are ready to help with auditing and securing your software projects.


Get in touch with us

  • Chronos Consulting, s.r.o.
  • Prague Office: Na Perštýně 342/1, 110 00 Prague 1, CZ
  • Brussels Office: 2-4 Schuman Roundabout, 1040 Brussels, BE
  • +420 228 225 031
  • chronos-consulting.eu
  • EU transparency ID: 384657648344-37